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Volunteer at the Hackney Christmas Dinner event for young care leavers
28 November 2018

The Hackney Christmas Dinner is held on Christmas Day for 50 care leavers aged 18-25. The team is looking for volunteers to help contribute to this meaningful event that has a big impact on young peoples' Christmas.

A graphic of a piggy bank Money Matters - advice on extenuating circumstances, interrupting or leaving your programme, and support with working, financial hardship and your studies
28 November 2018

In this edition of Money Matters, the Advice and Counselling Service provides guidance on working over the holiday period, what to do if you are running out of money, and advice for if you are thinking of interrupting or leaving your prgramme, making an extenuating circumstances claim, and where to go if you need support with your studies.

Beware of Home Office visa fee and fine payment scam targeting international students
27 November 2018

There have been reports of a number of visa fee and fine payment scams targeting international students across the country. Always question unexpected requests for your personal or financial information, and when opening emails from unknown sources or from a known source but with unknown/suspicious content.

Join in with the Queen Mary International Festival 2018
19 November 2018

From Monday 26 to Wednesday 28 November, staff and students from across the University will be coming together to celebrate the diversity and richness of our cultures at the inaugural Queen Mary International Festival.

Student profile: Zaina Alisha Ali
19 November 2018

First-year Human Geography student Zaina Alisha Ali recently met with senior members of the council Waste Management Team at the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to report back on research carried out on single-use plastics on Roman Road as part of the School of Geography’s ‘Green London’ induction fieldwork class.

Apply for an AHRC doctoral training studentship with the London Arts and Humanities Partnership
19 November 2018

Come along to an information session on Wednesday 28 November on how to apply for an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) doctoral training studentship with the London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LAHP).

Strategies for study and the ‘Can’t study’ workshop
19 November 2018

The Advice and Counselling Service run ‘Can’t study' workshops for any students struggling with study concerns which might centre on emotional and psychological rather than strictly academic issues.

Beware of tax refund phishing campaign targeting students
19 November 2018

There have been reports of a number of tax scams targeting university students across the country. Please take extra care when opening emails from unknown sources or from a known source but with unknown/suspicious content.

Estranged Students Solidarity Week, 26–30 November
15 November 2018

Queen Mary has taken a pledge with the charity Standalone to support our estranged students, meaning that there is lots of support available to help you get the funding you are eligible for, to help you find accommodation, and to support you academically and emotionally.

Nominations for Student Enterprise Awards open
15 November 2018

Presented across three awards, the Student Enterprise Category of the Engagement and Enterprise Awards recognises the entrepreneurial achievements and innovation of students and recent graduates.

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