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Money and your mental health
13 July 2020

Managing our money is not just a practical issue, as there are many ways it can impact our emotional and mental wellbeing.

Queen Mary Bursary
13 July 2020

Queen Mary University of London has a package of bursaries to assist undergraduate students.

Financial Assistance Fund 2020/21
13 July 2020

If you are facing financial difficulties the Financial Assistance Fund could help with a grant.

Get a student bank account
13 July 2020

You might be offered a whole host of goodies, such as a free railcard or shopping voucher, if you open a student account.

How can I save money?
13 July 2020

Living in London can be expensive but there are many simple things you can do to help you save money.

Student Finance for next academic year
13 July 2020

Undergraduate students, have you re-applied for your Student Finance for the next academic year? 

IT student survey
23 June 2020

IT has put together a short survey to find out how we can better help you learn in a blended learning environment and so we can better understand the software and hardware needs of students.

Message from the Principal: Commitment to inclusivity
12 June 2020

The Principal has written to all students to reaffirm Queen Mary's commitment to inclusivity.

International students join us for a virtual 'Global Coffee Lounge' session
2 June 2020

International students please grab a cup and join the International Student Experience Team for a coffee break this Friday 5 June at 2-2.45pm (BST). 

Pride Month 2020
1 June 2020

Pride Month 2020 has arrived. Pride Month is an annual LGBTQ+ celebration that takes place during the month of June, dating back to the Stonewall Riots, 1969.

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