Learn a Language 21 September 2020
Learning a new language or improving a language you already know is a great way of broadening your horizons and at the same time enhancing your employability.
Black History Month 2020: share your book recommendations and favourite African and Caribbean recipes 21 September 2020
Black History Month 2020: call for book recommendations 21 September 2020
Books are so important as they give people the opportunity to be transported to another world, learn about other people’s lived experiences or see themselves reflected and represented. To celebrate Black History Month, Queen Mary's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team are calling for students and staff to recommend one of their favourite books by a Black author to feature in our ‘Book a day’ series.
Black History Month 2020: share your favourite African and Caribbean recipes, dishes, and places to eat 21 September 2020
Food is an important part of many cultures and communities around the world. For Black History Month 2020 we want to celebrate the African and Caribbean dishes you know and love.
Top 10 money tips to start the new academic year! 21 September 2020
The Advice and Counselling Service share there #QMULMoneyTips to help you budget and save money.
How to book a study space on campus 21 September 2020
Study spaces are available to book up to 14 days in advance for those of you who are able to join us on campus.
Bi Visibility Day 2020 21 September 2020
To mark Bi Visibility Day this Wednesday, 23 September, some of our Queen Mary staff members share their experience of being bi+, what visibility means to them and why it is important.
QMplus disruption - Tuesday 15 and Thursday 17 September 15 September 2020
QMplus planned downtime: 8-8.30pm on Tuesday 15 September and 7-10pm on Thursday 17 September.
Your feedback matters: update and changes following IT needs survey 4 September 2020
IT Services ran a survey over the summer to get a greater understanding of how they can support you to learn in a blended learning environment.
QTaster career insights - autumn applications close Sunday 6 September 3 September 2020
Gain insight into companies who are both well-known and new to you, learn about the day-to-day culture, their internship and graduate application processes and e-meet their employees!