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Alumna profile: Isil Etes
1 December 2017

Isil Etes is an alumna from the School of Law, with a Master of Laws (LLM) in Public International Law (2011). She is now a Contract Analyst at The Walt Disney Company, as well as a long-standing mentor on QMUL’s QMentoring scheme. We caught up with her to find out about her volunteering work in this capacity and other volunteering projects she has been involved with at QMUL.

QProjects testimonial: Rosie Vincent – Rosetta Arts
30 November 2017

Rosie Vincent comments on her time volunteeting at Rosetta Arts as part of the QProjects programme.

QProjects testimonial: Svetlana Lepekhina – Stepney City Farm
30 November 2017

Svetlana Lepekhina comments on her time volunteeting at Stepney City Farm as part of the QProjects programme.

A graphic of a piggy bank QMUL Bursary 2017/18 – what to do if you aren't taking our a maintenance loan, or you've completed Student Finance but still don't have a Bursary email
30 November 2017

Not taking out any maintenance loan? Fully assessed by Student Finance but still haven’t had a bursary email? We have the answers to your questions here.

Will 2018 be the year you finally pursue that business idea?
30 November 2017

On Saturday 13 January, qEnterprise is teaming up with Enterprise Nation to put on StartUp 2018, the UK’s biggest enterprise event of the new year.

Don't be fooled – don't become a money mule
30 November 2017

Money muling is on the rise in the UK, especially among young people such as students. We’ve teamed up with Financial Fraud Action UK (FFA UK) and Cifas, the UK’s leading fraud prevention service, to raise awareness of this type of serious fraud to help you stay informed and avoid getting involved.

Lecture theatre named in honour of former Chair of the Council
24 October 2017

 The ‘Montagu Lecture Theatre’, on the sixth floor of the Graduate Centre, was officially opened on 27 September.

Student profile: Chelsey Lewington – PASS Mentee, Mentor and Student Organiser
20 November 2017

As part of our Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) scheme spotlight, part of the wider student services spotlight series, Chelsey Lewington shares her experience of being both a PASS mentee and mentor, as well as student organiser and what these roles entail.

Student profile: Joe Davies – PASS Mentee, Mentor and Student Organiser
20 November 2017

As part of our Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) scheme spotlight, part of the wider student services spotlight series, Joe Davies shares his experience of being both a PASS mentee and mentor, as well as student organiser and what these roles entail.

Student profile: Karen Engelberg
20 November 2017

Karen Engelberg is a mature student in her final year of a History degree at QMUL. In this interview, she discusses how she identified that she needed assistance when embarking on her academic journey, and how the Learning Development team provided the guidance necessary for her to succeed.

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