Thank you for all the feedback you have given us.
What you say can make a real difference to your experience at Queen Mary and for students who come after you, we have been listening please click on following links to see some the fabulous changes we made at your request.
We are really keen to keep our momentum up and continue this good work of co-creation with you. There are a variety of ways you can provide feedback on your time here, for example at the end of every module, you are encouraged to complete an anonymous module evaluation questionnaire which provides another way for us to improve upon current modules and courses.
And hopefully you have taken advantage of the student rep system (don’t forget to vote in the elections!). Keep suggestions coming in to your student representatives and your student support officers as well as our staff on the ground.
The national student surveys, help us to compare the experience here with that of other institutions, to ensure we're supporting you in the best way possible; and our own internal surveys.
Student surveys are an important opportunity for you to tell us about your experience at Queen Mary. This helps us make comparisons with Universities across the UK identifying best practice that we can learn from. Additionally, this really helps to monitor our progress and set goals for the year ahead.