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Top 10 money tips for new students

The Advice and Counselling Service has put together a handy list of top 10 money tips for new students.

  1. Don’t miss out on money that you are entitled to. Use the funding advice guides on the Advice and Counselling Service website to help you check this.
  2. Buy an NUS (National Union of Students) Extra card (£12 a year) to get discounts on a wide variety of shops, restaurants, cinema and travel.
  3. Save 30 per cent on travelcards with the 18+ Student Oyster photocard
  4. Use our online spreadsheets to plan your personal budget for the academic year ahead, so you are in control of your finances.
  5. Use our money saving ideas to find out about discounts and ways to get the best value for your money.
  6. Try and cook with a group of friends, as this is often cheaper than cooking for yourself, and more fun! Find simple, healthy recipes at
  7. Compare student bank accounts before choosing the right one for you.

There is specific information for international students about opening a bank account on the Advice and Counselling Service website.

  1. To avoid running out of money before the end of the semester, open different bank accounts for different purposes and move money between them at set times. Get advice from The Student Room.
  2. Shop around for the best mobile phone deal, so you aren’t paying more than you need to
  3. Save money on books: borrow from the university library, and download academic e-books and e-journals for free; share books with friends; buy second hand or discounted books online or from the campus bookshop. 

Watch our short animation about Budgeting to see what the benefits are. 

Is your Student Finance, NHS Bursary, or other funding delayed?

Follow the advice on our website about what you need to do, and help you may be able to get from the university. 

Are you an EEA National?

You may be eligible for full Student Finance (money for living costs as well as a Tuition Fee Loan) if you were living in England on Friday 1 September 2017 and you are either working now, or you have lived in the UK for the five years before that date. To check your eligibility and find out how to apply, read the Eligibility section of the Advice and Counselling Service advice guide: ‘Undergraduate Funding: 2016 onwards starters’. 

Do you need further advice?

You can find out more about the Advice and Counselling Service and how we can help you at

To contact us, you can:

  • email us via our website
  • call us on 020 7882 8717
  • visit our Reception on the ground floor of the Geography building, Mile End campus. 

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Twitter: @QMUL_ACS



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