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Pride Month 2020

Pride Month 2020 has arrived. Pride Month is an annual LGBTQ+ celebration that takes place during the month of June, dating back to the Stonewall Riots, 1969.


Pride is about people and communities coming together in celebration, protest solidarity and to remember those who have fought for equal rights of the LGBTQ+ community

What is Pride Month?

As well as being a month-long celebration of LGBTQ+ culture, achievements and progress, Pride Month is also an opportunity to protest and raise political awareness of current issues facing the LGBTQ+ community nationally and worldwide. Pride Month is often marked with parades, protest marches, poetry readings, public speaking, educational/awareness raising sessions and many other events. 

Why does Pride month matter?

Although there has been progress towards LGBTQ+ rights there is still a long way to go in the fight against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia both nationally and worldwide - find out more about the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia here.

Stonewall reports ‘LGBT in Britain – University Report (2018)’, ‘Home and Communities Report (2018)’ and ‘Trans Report (2018)’ found that:

  • ‘More than two in five LGBT students (42 per cent) hid or disguised that they are LGBT at university in the last year because they were afraid of discrimination.’
  • Seven per cent of trans students were physically attacked by another student or a member of university staff in the last year because of being trans.’
  • Only half of lesbian, gay and bi people (46 per cent) and trans people (47 per cent) feel able to be open about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity to their whole family.’
  • Half of trans people (51 per cent) have hidden their identity at work for fear of discrimination.’

Pride Month is a time for us all to stand together in solidarity, in celebration of what we have achieved and the progress we have made, but more importantly in recognition of the need for further change nationally and internationally. Pride Month is a time for the LGBTQ+ community and allies to continue to raise awareness of the inequalities and discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ communities around the world and campaign for equal rights and freedoms for all. 

What can you do to celebrate Pride Month?

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we may not be able to celebrate together in person, but we can still come together virtually and show our solidarity in other ways:

 Further information, resources and support:

  • East London Out Project (ELOP): a local charity offering a range of support services to LGBTQ+ communities including counselling.
  • Tower Hamlets LGBT Community Forum: a project that aims to bring together LGBT+ people (and allies) who live, work, study or socialise in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
  • Galop: an LGBTQ+ anti-violence charity, providing support services relating to hate crime, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
  • Switchboard, LGBT+ helpline: provides information, support and referral service for LGBTQ+ and their friends, parents or family.
  • Gendered Intelligence: a charity aiming to increase understanding of gender diversity, specialising in supporting young trans people under 21.
  • Mermaids: supports trans and gender-diverse children, young people and their families.
  • GIRES: works to improve the lives of trans and gender non-conforming people of all ages.
  • Stonewall: campaigns for LGBTQ+ equality.
  • Stop Hate UK: provides independent, confidential and accessible reporting and support for victims, witnesses and third parties.



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