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National Student Survey (NSS) results - 2024

Professor Stephanie Marshall (Vice-Principal for Education, Queen Mary University of London) and Serena-Amani Al Jabbar (President, Queen Mary Students' Union) wrote to all students on Wednesday 10 July with an update on this year's National Student Survey (NSS) results.


Dear student,

As many of you will be aware, each year the National Student Survey (NSS) gives final year undergraduates an opportunity to highlight what they have enjoyed during their studies and to suggest what they think their university should prioritise in the future. An impressive 3,464 eligible final year students at Queen Mary took part this year (478 more than in 2023), and the results have been published today.

We are pleased to report that, overall, we have seen an improvement in the positivity scores against a number of key areas and that we can see signs of success and progress in many areas across the University. In particular:

  • 88% of students felt teaching staff are good at explaining things
  • 86% of students felt library resources (e.g. books, online services and learning spaces) supported their learning
  • 83% of students felt they had the right opportunities to give feedback on their course
  • and results were significantly improved across the Student Voice theme, with higher results than other universities on how well the Students' Union represent students' academic interests. 

The entire Queen Mary community can be proud of these results!

Queen Mary’s Active Curriculum for Excellence (ACE) approach is focused on supporting students to have an active voice and co-create their experience. These results are thanks to the active contribution that students make to shaping learning and teaching. Your feedback is essential to helping us make real improvements both during your time here and for future students. For example, many of the current projects to create better study and social spaces across the campus have been implemented as a direct result of student feedback. We know there are still areas that we need to improve, so please make the most of the many opportunities to ensure your voice is heard during your time here, such as engaging with the Students’ Union through elected officers and course reps to feedback.

On behalf of the Queen Mary leadership team and our Students’ Union, we would like to thank all students for your continued contribution to the University.

Best wishes,

Stephanie and Serena-Amani

Professor Stephanie Marshall, Vice-Principal for Education, Queen Mary University of London

Serena-Amani Al Jabbar, President, Queen Mary Students’ Union



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