St Benet's Chaplaincy regularly offer opportunities to learn mindful meditation - in partnership with Bob Chase from Mindful in the City. For Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, Bob is offering two hour-long online taster Sessions on Wednesday 12 May at 4pm and Thursday 13 May at 12.30pm.
These one hour sessions on Zoom combine theory and practice so that you leave with both knowledge and experience of mindfulness. Each session will include some practical mindfulness exercises and you will be provided with information on going further. Links to a series of short guided meditations will be given so you can begin to practice at home straight away.
Mindfulness is now recognised as one of the most useful skills we can develop to help us cope and even thrive when under stress. By learning about and applying a set of practices we can develop our resilience and our capacity to respond positively to situations, rather than have them overwhelm us.
The sessions will be led by, St Benet’s mindfulness partner, Bob Chase. Bob has been leading mindfulness courses at Queen Mary for three years. He trained to teach mindfulness at the Bangor University Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice and has over 25 years of personal meditation experience.
The sessions are FREE and no experience is necessary. Complete this online form to register.