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Debate Mate: paid mentoring opportunities for current undergraduates

Debate Mate is an educational organisation that works in areas of high child poverty across the UK. They employ university students to mentor for a period of 17-weeks from November to April, teaching debating to primary and secondary school students. It’s an incredibly rewarding experience, and a great opportunity to change young people’s lives. 


Debate Mate is recruiting a new wave of intelligent, inspiring and passionate mentors! Do you want to change the lives of young people around the world? 

Earn £20/TEACHING SESSION changing the lives of young people around the world!

ENHANCE YOUR CV by developing employability skills, such as leadership and communication.

Grow your NETWORK! Meet our partners and other inspiring mentors.

ONLINE OPPORTUNITIES. Mentor at any time from anywhere.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE and inspire the next generation!

Sign up here!



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