Mehmet, Buddy Scheme Mentor 2022
I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the QMUL Buddy Scheme as a Mentor. As a final year law student who struggled with my academics in my first year, I know all too well the challenges facing students. In many cases, these challenges can be overcome by seeking help and support, which is why I volunteered to become a mentor.
In my capacity as a mentor, I am obligated to meet with my mentees face-to-face four times during the academic year. I do, however, keep in touch with them on a weekly basis during term-time to see how they are doing and how I can help them. In many cases, I am in a position to answer their questions directly. However, if I see that there is an issue I am not in a position to solve, I will signpost them to the appropriate people within the School of Law.
Future students should apply to take part in the Buddy Scheme because it strengthens ones support network. Whilst the undergraduate support teams may provide formal support, a mentor is in a position to provide informal support and advice with respect to ones studies. Having a mentor who has gone through the same experiences is so helpful, especially when approaching the time to submit assignments.
Mentoring has been greatly fulfilling as it has enabled me to give back to the School of Law. It has also increased my teamwork and networking skills, competencies essential for an aspiring lawyer.
- Mehmet, Buddy Scheme Mentor & Volunteer