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Pratham, Buddy Scheme Mentor 2023

"The experience has been fulfilling, contributing to the well-being of fellow students in a way that goes beyond textbooks and lectures"

December 2023

I'm excited to open up about my experiences as a mentor in the QMUL Buddy Scheme, where the focus is not just on academics but on providing pastoral and friendly support to students adjusting to a new culture.

In my role as a mentor for the School of Business and Management, my mission is to be more than a guide through coursework. It's about being a friendly face for students navigating the exciting, and sometimes overwhelming, journey of university life. Through regular face-to-face meetups and weekly check-ins during term-time, I've aimed to offer a helping hand and a friendly ear to those adjusting to a new cultural environment.

What makes the Buddy Scheme stand out is its commitment to more than just the formalities. It's about personal connections and understanding the unique challenges of transitioning to university life. It's the kind of support that goes beyond the academic realm, providing a sense of community and a friendly support system.

For future students considering the Buddy Scheme, I'd say it's not just about ticking the academic support box; it's about finding a friend who gets it. The experience has been fulfilling, contributing to the well-being of fellow students in a way that goes beyond textbooks and lectures.

Pratham, Buddy Scheme Mentor & Volunteer

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